About Me

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A mechanical engineer, broadly experienced in Project & Construction management, planning, cost control with proficiency in excellent interpersonal and communication skills. A confident team leader and decision maker specializing in project execution, with the ability to handle large budget projects effectively. Having 16 yrs of experience.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Travel from Algeria to India

04.45 am OF 13th July’09 woke up at the shrilling sound of alarm…..initially thought to take another 5 minutes crucial nap but realized in another 15 minutes to rush to airport. A quick visit to washroom, freshen up and rushed to airport to catch domestic flight from Hassi Mesaoud to Algiers…first time in life I saw that in this domestic flight one should sit anywhere as on first come first basis and there is no any sanctity of seat nos.

Finally reached Algiers, wait for 5 hrs at international airport for connecting flight. It’s really very irritating always to wait for something…..next to me an Algerian family was sitting comprising of a young girl, a kid and their dad. We indulge in conversation and they became very happy to converse in English as there first language is Arabic and 2nd language is French. They didn’t get any correct environment to practice their academic English so, became exuberant to brush up their English with me.

Tried few times to connect internet from the terminal but failed as wifi was not there. 01.30 pm time to board aircraft bound for Doha…nearly 7 hrs long haul flight…leaving behind the air of North Africa, Egypt…Red Sea….entering into middle east in between twice meals served by plastic smile wore air hostesses. Landed at Doha and rushed to Transit desk as we reached 15 minute late and Ahmadabad flight is about to leave as the last call for boarding was announced….rushed to board plane. My Birthday celebrated by the air of 3 continents… 3 hrs flight to Ahmadabad and landed very smoothly at AMD, a quick check fro Swine flu and immigration then transfer to Domestic airport for getting connecting Kingfisher flight to Mumbai. Ahmadabad was completely dry and temp was around 29 deg C. A perfect landing at Mumbai airport on time arrival…lashing of rain outside…..the enchanting smell emanating from the rain touching the earth…the feeling of coming home…the long await by family and overwhelming excitement of reunion with family keeps me upbeat and forgot all the tiredness once both kids were in my arm.

Since last 2 days its pouring outside and news is flashing on the TV that central rail got affected due to downpour, Bigb’s blog states that waist deep water outside his House Prateekhsha. I am fortunate that water clogging is not in our area as the other areas are inundated completely in rain water.

Why there is no happier then home in any place of the world??? Why we found solace in home then any place of the world???

Why we forget all the tensions and stresses when we are surrounded by kids and their innocent talk and caring touches???

Time to retire on bed….

Have a good night with lots of love….


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